"Nhộng Tằm" Worm Cocoons - Vietnam

"nhộng tằm" worm cocoons - vietnam, chrysalis, cocoons, edible insects, entomophagy, food, larva, larvae, moths, nhong tam, nhộng tằm, saturniidae, silk worms, yellow
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"Nhộng Tằm" Worm Cocoons - Vietnam

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If you know the genus of the insect larvae that makes those cocoons, please post a comment!

Nhộng Tằm worm cocoons (Vietnam)

Nhộng Tam worms are a delicacy in some parts of Vietnam, but I didn't get a change to try that for diner.

Those are not Silkworms (Lepidoptera), but they produce a similar cocoon that is harvested by the tribe people in Northern Vietnam.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on November 15, 2005
[location not available]