Round Boat - ThĂșng Chai - Coracle - Vietnam

round boat - thĂșng chai - coracle - vietnam, asian woman, asian women, bamboo, basket boat, coracle, river, round boat, thung chai, thúng chai
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Round Boat - ThĂșng Chai - Coracle - Vietnam

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Round basket boat - ThĂșng chai (Vietnam)

A ThĂșng chai is a boat made of a bamboo mesh.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on November 7, 2005
[location not available]

its called a round bamboo coracle. i only know it's in vietnam
Hi Does anyone happen to know the name of a special basket boat in which the man/woman stands up and rythmically rocks the boat to propel it? I saw in a while back but forgot what country uses it and what is it name? Thanks garcon27 [email removed - click "Add a Comment" to view email]